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Cloud Based Logistics Management Software Reviews, Demo & Pricing

Why Cloud Based Logistics Management Software is a must for modern cross-border logistics

Cloud Based Logistics Management Software offers substantial benefits for cross-border logistics, such as increased reliability, reduced costs, easy upgrades, extensive accessibility, better scalability and much more. It makes sense, therefore, that more and more companies are repurposing their server rooms and migrating to the cloud.

Trends Affecting Cloud Based Logistics Management Software

Logistics service providers are migrating to the cloud in record numbers, and for good reason. While the forced shift to remote working has accelerated this trend in the last year, in reality, it's been a long time coming. Recent survey data found that 61% of logistics service providers are moving some or all of their workloads to the cloud by 2020, and experts predict that the public cloud market will be worth $800 billion by 2025.

However, for many logistics providers, there is still hesitation about operating in the cloud. From existing legacy processes that are still 'getting the job done' to post-transformation concerns about security and employee adoption, there is a degree of uncertainty about the integration, operation and benefits of cloud-based logistics software.

The increasing complexity of modern cross-border logistics services operations - including port congestion, customs compliance, staff shortages and supply chain disruptions - suggests the need for cloud-based solutions that can meet both current needs and scale to address new challenges.

eTower is a Cloud Based Logistics Management Software for shippers, suppliers, carriers, 3PLs and other logistics service companies and helps them manage their logistics daily operations and day-to-day affairs. The Cloud Based Logistics Management Software leverages API connectivity and cloud technology and provides a social messaging and file sharing platform for logistics service partners to communicate and collaborate across the logistics ecosystem, helping users to create a customizable logistics management collaboration platform that provides the applications needed to integrate logistics for automating users' logistics operations based on the specific needs of parcel shipping users.

The changing logistics process

As recent global events have shown, even seemingly stable supply chains can suddenly run out of steam - and even reliable shipping lanes can suddenly become unusable (or too expensive). Taken in isolation, these events point to the need for more streamlined global logistics processes.

The challenges of global logistics services business, For modern cross-border logistics service operations, common challenges include


With data tied up in paper-based processes and redundant operations, many freight forwarders find it difficult to respond quickly to changes in rates, charges or shipping details. From reporting this data to customers to making the internal adjustments that help ensure profitability, speed is critical.


Data security is critical to both operational compliance and customer satisfaction. A compromised database can result in cargo being held at port or denied entry, while a breach of customer data can lead to reputational damage and potential legal challenges as customers look to recover lost costs.


While the use of manual processes for common supply chain functions such as dimensional recording, shipping manifest completion and tracking data updates is familiar, it can also lead to the twin problems of task redundancy and reduced information accuracy. If multiple employees must complete the same task multiple times - and the data they collect is inconsistent - freight forwarders are forced to waste time and money tracking and correcting these operational errors.


As mentioned above, complexity is now a major challenge for freight forwarders. From the advent of very large container ships that must be as fully loaded as possible to generate revenue, to the growing challenge of streamlining cargo handling at border checkpoints, seaports and airports, freight forwarders need software solutions that can reduce the number of steps required to enable critical processes or find specific information.

With Cloud Based Logistics Management Software, a digital-first operation that relies on real-time reporting, full transparency and the ability to interact with customers anywhere, anytime, freight forwarding operations using legacy processes and procedures are no longer sustainable. Companies now need agile, connected and adaptable solutions that can bridge the gap between heavy processes and on-demand consumer and customs expectations.

Benefits of Cloud Based Logistics Management Software

Easy to use, full-featured, modern user experience

These Cloud Based Logistics Management Software modules are not difficult to understand. It also provides easy access from anywhere, anytime.

Speed, security, accuracy and simplicity are important goals for logistics service providers and can be supported by the right technical infrastructure.

As existing hardware and software reaches the end of its useful life and must be replaced, local Logistics Management Software can become significantly (and often unplanned) more costly over time. With eTower Cloud Based Logistics Management Software, you can enjoy the benefits of a low upfront investment as all hardware procurement, deployment and maintenance is handled by our IT partners.

At the same time, with eTower, built-in scalability means your system can expand as your operations do - at no additional cost - to ensure that server bandwidth, database settings and software functionality all remain consistent for optimal performance.

The sky-high benefits of Cloud Based Logistics Management Software

Adopting Cloud Based Logistics Management Software, such as eTower, can bring substantial benefits to modern international logistics services, such as


The eTower cloud offers daily data backups as well as redundant cloud systems to ensure that your data remains secure and accessible at all times. We also work with secure data centres with high reliability levels and offer a redundant infrastructure framework. Simply put? Your data is always available when you need it - and it's safe from prying eyes.

Reduced costs

While legacy systems offer familiar benefits, they also come with significant cost increases over time as existing hardware and software reach their lifecycle and must be replaced. With Cloud Based Logistics Management Software, you can enjoy the benefits of a low upfront investment as all hardware procurement, deployment and maintenance is handled by our IT partners. Instead of worrying about large capital outlays every few years, you can rely on more stable and streamlined monthly operating expenses.

Easy upgrades

In addition to regular hardware and software updates to ensure optimum performance, you'll also have automatic access to the latest releases of Cloud Based Logistics Management Software features and functionality. Even better? You can choose when to perform upgrades and updates to help minimize system downtime.


Modern logistics software must have the ability to respond to events as they happen in real time. From tracking or transport issues to changes in scheduling or costs, Cloud Based Logistics Management Software needs to be able to engage and respond to customer concerns anywhere, anytime. All you need is an Internet connection. Access your logistics system from any device, anytime, anywhere.


As mentioned above, speed is now critical to the success of international logistics services. However, many traditional logistics systems achieve this by hindering the efforts of staff to access critical data or process critical requests on-demand. Meanwhile Cloud Based Logistics Management Software can scale with your operations - at no additional cost - to ensure that server bandwidth, database settings and software functionality are all remain consistent to achieve optimum performance.

Reduce payback time

When it comes to cloud deployment and integration, this is often a key barrier to effective use. If companies get bogged down in the technical details of deploying cloud solutions - or if employees aren't convinced of their benefits - these Cloud Based Logistics Management Software investments can difficult to achieve an ROI.

We take care of your initial cloud setup and deployment to help you get up and running as quickly as possible. In addition, our intuitive, clean and easy-to-use Cloud Based Logistics Management Software interface makes onboarding employees easy and familiarises them with the new cloud-based processes. As a result, we can help significantly reduce the distance between cloud investment and reliable ROI.

In short, you focus on running your business - and we take care of the Cloud Based Logistics Management Software technology.

Stay ahead of the curve with Cloud Based Logistics Management Software

The combination of a digital-first marketplace and changing supply chain and port process disruptions has made cross-border logistics services even more complex. Traditional solutions for familiar cross-border logistics can no longer keep up - to stay up-to-date and ahead of the competitive curve, cross-border logistics service processes need to be streamlined, secure and scalable with Cloud Based Logistics Management Software - eTower.

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