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WallTech Family | Season 2: Freight Forwarding Trends in 2024 | Part 1: Behind Market Fluctuations

Click the video above to watch exciting sharings from seasoned freight forwarding executives!


Reflecting on the first nine months of 2024, the shipping market has been nothing short of a rollercoaster. Freight rates skyrocketed in the first half of the year, only to peak and take a sharp downturn by July.


While shipping companies enjoyed record-breaking profits, raising their revenue forecasts in glowing quarterly and half-year reports, the reality for freight forwarders and foreign trade businesses tells a different story. 

Beneath the façade of booming prosperity, what challenges and pressures have they quietly endured?

"Stories, Attitudes, and Substantial Insights"

Welcome to WallTech Family - the brand program for international logistics professionals

WallTech Family | Season Two: Freight Forwarding Trends in 2024

Part 1: Behind Market Fluctuations

Welcome to the second episode of WallTech Family, a signature program for international logistics professionals, we feature two experienced freight forwarders. Together, they explore market trends, discuss their challenges, and unveil the most authentic industry realities.

They will share actionable strategies to manage stress and uncover opportunities in an unpredictable market landscape.

Episode 2 (Part 1) Timeline

You can jump directly to your interested topics according to the following timeline


Why did freight rates surge? What pressing challenges are freight forwarders encountering?


How do forwarders handle client relationships during rising freight rates?


How do forwarders mitigate funding risks during high freight rates?

Watch Episode 1 of WallTech Family

WallTech Family | Season 1: Inside Shipping Companies | Part 1: How to book for special cargos?

WallTech Family | Season 1: Inside Shipping Companies | Part 2: Price Predictions for H2 2024

WallTech Family Season 2

Freight Forwarding Trends in 2024


Kevin Zhang

Kevin Zhang

Director of Sigma

Byron Zhou

Byron Zhou

Director of Logman

WallTech Family, created by WallTech in collaboration with esteemed clients, adheres to the philosophy of  "Stories, Perspectives, and Practical Insights." It highlights pivotal issues in the international logistics sector, inviting veteran enterprises to discuss and share insights on its development.

The series spans five seasons, each delving into critical topics in international logistics. Episodes are released monthly, with each edition comprising two parts.

The inaugural season, Inside Shipping Companies, has undergone meticulous planning over two months and officially debuts today.

We welcome your thoughts on WallTech Family and any topics you wish to explore. Each comment will be carefully reviewed and considered for future episodes.


A heartfelt thank-you to all our guests and viewers

Produced by

WallTech (China) Co., Ltd

WallTech (China) Co., Ltd

Special Thanks to


UBI Logistics

Leading freight forwarding enterprises and loyal users of 

WallTech International Logistics Collaboration Management System 

for over a decade

-END -

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